One of my specialties is the development of streamlined infographics that condense complex information into easy to navigate and absorb data systems in attractive and eye catching ways.
Disney's Polynesian Resort
Front Desk Placemats
Designed as a replacement for the current information placemat for the Polynesian Resort, the new placemats are feature several enhancements over the original design.
Theory of Design
From time to time, the front of this placemat will be seen and used for demonstrational purposes for our guests. To that end, the front rigidly follows the design and color choices of the guest-facing Polynesian Resort.
The Front or “Map” Side of the new placemat was created with the following objectives and features…
1. Feature Larger /Easier to Read Room Numbers and Buildings
2. Create Design that would be Compatible with both color and black and white printing
3. Include Quick Reference to Most Used Numbers and Information
To that end, the buildings were made 125% bigger and the room numbers are over 200% larger than the previous version. The connecting rooms are now represented with a dotted red line to insure that the information translates for both B&W and color printing. The Quick Reference numbers were chosen to reflect those numbers that are use most frequently with a slant toward Polynesian specific information.
Guest-Facing Front Image
Before & After Overall
Theory of Design
Because of its “Cast Only” use the back features bright and dynamic color schemes that use an Imagineering principle of using color to direct decision-making. (For Example: After a few weeks of use a cast member will begin remembering the placement of information and sources based of the contrasting color schemes.)
The Back or “Directory” Side of the placemat was created to address the following objectives…
1. Organize Resort Specific and WDW General Information.
2. Provide Expanded Polynesian Information
3. Make Information Easier to Read and Retain
The information has been organized as a collection of Polynesian “Road Signs” that “point the way” to sources of information. The back of the placemat is a CAST REFERRENCE ONLY. No tie-lines or internal numbers should ever be shared with any guest! Information in individual “signs” have been organized by frequency of use and layout. In this case, Alpha/Numeric organization is not necessary because of the shortness of individual lists.
Note: All Numbers Have Been Changed To Protect Confidentiality.
Cast Only Back Image
Before & After Close-up
Disney's Polynesian Resort
Club Level Concierge Quick Reference Guides
Click to Enlarge
Not only a small project but also one that was specifically designed to be invisible. The guide was formatted to fit under a corporate phone base and colored to blend in to a stained desktop.
Finished Front
Finished Back